David Bisgrove
2024 Public Life Fellow
David Bisgrove grew up in suburban New Jersey, attended Wheaton College, and has been a resident of Manhattan for over 35 years. He arrived in the late 80s to attend Columbia University’s Business School and School of Public Health, where he earned both an MBA and MPH. David spent approximately 10 years working in administration and finance at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (7.5 years) and Columbia Medical School before joining the staff of Redeemer Presbyterian Church as their first CFO/COO.
David was fortunate enough to be part of the founding membership of Redeemer, where he served in various volunteer positions. About 20 years ago, he was ordained in the PCA after obtaining an MDiv at Westminster Theological Seminary. Since then, he has held various positions, including overseeing the Counseling Center, Evangelism, Worship, and Family Ministries. For the last 14 years, David has served as Lead/Senior Pastor of Redeemer West Side. In October of the past year, he announced his retirement from that role after 26 years on staff and is looking forward to the Fellows Program as the first leg of his next vocational journey.
David has been married for 25 years and has two daughters, Mary Claire (19) and Charlotte (15). They reside on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. He loves NYC and, in some fun facts, sang in Carnegie Hall and on Broadway many years ago.