For the Good of the Public 2024

October 7-8, 2024

Capital Turnaround, Washington D.C. 

For the Good of the Public is the premier forum for civic and Christian leaders committed to the public good. We want you to participate in a transformative conversation over two days about the future of faith and American civic life.

In 2023, we hosted our first
For the Good of the Public.

Watch the 2023 recap video!

Last year’s attendees said things like:

“I was really impressed by the quality and diversity of presenters brought together for this event. It's rare that an event meant to reach across political/denominational lines truly does so effectively, but I felt that this event did.”

“About an hour into summit, I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I didn't know how long I'd been holding it. But somewhere between the speakers and the overall tenor of the event, I relaxed in a way that you only do when you're home.”

In our first year of the summit, we had:

  • 174 attendees from across the United States, representing civic sectors including nonprofit and community leadership, ministry, academia, government, business, and philanthropy

  • 35+ speakers from diverse ideological and ecumenical backgrounds

  • Two days of 17 talks covering Christian resources and perspectives on pluralism, artificial intelligence, child hunger and poverty, criminal justice reform, service and volunteerism, and many other topics

  • 95% percent of attendees reported feeling more optimistic about the future of Christianity in public life after attending

Join us in 2024 less than a month
before Election Day.

Our annual summit is growing and we want you to be a part!

For the Good of the Public is not about promoting one organization, but about offering Christian resources as a loving service to the public. One way the Summit reflects this commitment is through our sponsorship and partnership program which highlights the ecosystem of organizations and leaders who exemplify that commitment.


  • Announced as the “presenting lunch sponsor”

    Co-branded conversation question cards with CCPL given to all attendees during lunch

    All perks of the Platinum Sponsorship:

    Ten (10) Complimentary tickets to conference plus concert and all meals

    90-second video featuring the organization - played right before lunch

    Attend speaker dinner

    Mainstage mention during conference

    Sponsor Table: 6-foot table with two chairs

    Newsletter Feature (10k+ subscribers)

    Social Media Feature (4k+ followers)

    Logo sponsor slide

    LARGE Logo placement in the virtual program

    Brand featured on rotating slides during the conference

    Website Presence

  • Announced as the “presenting coffee sponsor”

    Signs by the coffee bar with your name and logo

    Ten (10) Complimentary tickets to conference plus concert and all meals

    Attend speaker dinner

    Mainstage mention during conference

    Sponsor Table: 6-foot table with two chairs

    Newsletter Feature (10k+ subscribers)

    Social Media Feature (4k+ followers)

    Logo sponsor slide

    LARGE Logo placement in the virtual program

    Brand featured on rotating slides during the conference

    Website Presence

  • Ten (10) Complimentary tickets to conference plus concert and all meals

    90-second video featuring the organization

    Attend speaker dinner

    Mainstage mention during conference

    Sponsor Table: 6-foot table with two chairs

    Newsletter Feature (10k+ subscribers)

    Social Media Feature (4k+ followers)

    Logo sponsor slide

    LARGE Logo placement in the virtual program

    Brand featured on rotating slides during the conference

    Website Presence

  • Main stage mention during the concert

    Ten (10) Complimentary tickets to the conference plus concert and all meals

    Brand placement on all concert promotional materials

    Recognition as sponsor on CCPL’s website

  • Eight (8) Complimentary tickets to conference plus concert and all meals

    Choose four (4) representatives to attend speaker dinner

    Attend speaker dinner

    Mainstage mention during conference

    Sponsor Table: 6-foot table with two chairs

    Newsletter Feature (10k+ subscribers)

    Social Media Feature (4k+ followers)

    Logo sponsor slide

    MEDIUM Logo placement in the virtual program

    Brand featured on rotating slides during the conference

    Website Presence

  • Five (5) Complimentary tickets to conference plus concert and all meals

    Choose two (2) representatives to attend speaker dinner

    Sponsor Table: 6-foot table with two chairs

    Social Media Feature (4k+ followers)

    Logo sponsor slide

    SMALL Logo placement in the virtual program

    Brand featured on rotating slides during the conference - shared slide

    Website Presence

  • Two (2) Complimentary tickets to the conference plus concert and all meals

    Logo sponsor slide

    SMALL Logo placement in the virtual program

    Brand featured on rotating slides during the conference

    Website Presence

To inquire about a custom sponsorship package or a higher-level corporate sponsorship, please email CCPL’s Chief of Staff, Phebe Meyer, at

Last Year’s Sponsors Included:

Let’s Build Something New Together!

Receive monthly updates from our President, be the first to receive CCPL resources and learn about opportunities to serve.

You’ll receive personal communication about CCPL’s work from Michael Wear, CCPL’s Founder & President, and learn more about how you can partner with us. We respect your privacy.